Chemrecovery Industries Limited

is a privately owned New Zealand enterprise company specializing in:


  • Research and development (R & D) on recovery of heavy metals - by utilising its highly qualified expert professionals and their experiences, laboratory equipment and company information and resources.

  • Making prototypes and its facilities to implement the result of R & D into practice on a small scale operation, extracting the necessary information and data and projecting this into a full scale production.

  • Performance of full scale operation by design and implementation of the results obtained from the prototype scale.  Chemrecovey, with its highly qualified engineers, has the ability to undertake all these tasks.

  • Ability to develop cost effective, innovative and efficient chemical and material handling methods and operations (in terms of heavy metal recovery) and servicing clients in this regards.

Chemrecovey achieves all these goals by providing a safe and healthy workplace, conducting business ethically and lawfully and respecting/ conserving the environment in all of its business and operational activities.